Thursday, December 10, 2009

Goal Setting

another year another set of goals..=)

~notes from Sir Rex Mendoza's talk

Let's begin this blog with the meaning of success.
Many people think success is all about effort.
But effort without proper knowledge is still nothing.

Success is all about DOING WHAT IS RIGHT!
For many, DOING WHAT IS RIGHT means sacrificing.

We all have to plan on what to do with our money.
Have you ever wonder why big companies have "goal setting" meeting every year?
This means they are laying out their plans on the next few months or few years.
And these plans should be met or exceeded.

Why when it comes with our own money we don't have any plans at all?
We often have wrong spending habits.
We often splurge on things that don't matter.

We often hear this from elderly people.:
"Masaya naman naging buhay ko. Di nga ako mayaman, madami naman akong kaibigan."
"My life has been good. I'm not rich but i have many friends."
But most often than not, elderly people who say this regret because they let time pass by.
They were not able to build a solid financial foundation.
They don't have anything to pass on to the next generation.

Sir Rex's advise is: "Work for your dreams!"

Many people know what to do but they just don't do it.
Maybe because they are afraid to fail.
But mind you, failure is a part of success.

Did you know that before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb he has to perform 2000 experiments?
Does that mean 2000 failures? Probably YES!
But instead of retreating he continued until he got what he wanted.
There was even a time that his laboratory was burnt.
But did he give up? NO!
He treated his "failures" as part of the path towards success.
Now he is known for his invention.
He will be known forever not because of his 2000 mistakes but because of his SUCCESS!

People will fail because of 2 things:
1. Pleasure
2. Pain

Pleasure of being IDLE!
Pain of being laughed about!

"Imagine the pain to drive you to do the right thing."
"Pleasure is subjective."
"People will try to avoid pain rather than pleasure."

Choices always have their consequences!

GOALS make a man/woman and a CAREER!
If we will not do anything we will lose a lot of money.
We have to try harder each day.
Your goals should drive your behavior.

One of the most important drivers of success is deprivation.
We have to make a difference!

Setting goals is the first step in turning invisible to visible.
Setting goals is the foundation for all success in life.

Goal-Setting must be followed by a sincere development of a plan, and massive and consistent action towards fulfillment.

The unscious fear of disappointment stops people from seeking and creating goals.

Failing to achieve your goal can mean achieving your real goals.

Remember: Planning is projecting what you want on paper as you start.


Why Most People are Poor?

most often than not, people are confused on what to do with their money.
they often don't notice that they are spending money on things that go to waste.
they don't actually have a good view on what to buy and what not to buy.
they usually misunderstand the difference between a want and a need.

here is my own definition.
a need is something you can't live without.
basic needs are food, shelter and clothing.
i will add money to the list.

on the other hand a want is something u can live without.
anything not included in the list above is considered a want.

moreover assets and liabilities are not easily distinguised by people.

here is my mentor's definition.
assets are the things that you buy that will put money in your pocket.
on the other hand liabiliteies are the things that you buy that takes away money from your pocket.

look around you. are the things around you assets or liabilities?
can you distinguish an asset from a liability?

people are confused about these things
that is why most people can't save money.
they are misguided by the norms.

how about we do a little exercise.
close your eyes and imagine yourself 20 years from now.
how would your life be?
are you living in your dream house already?
do you have your own car?
can you spend your vacation in your dream destination?
can you see yourself living the dreams you have now?
or are your dreams still blurry?
how come?

if your future is still blurry then you need to focus on the things that you want
so that you can get the things you deserve.
that is called VISION!

here is the fun part. i will tell you the secret in achieving your dreams.
of course i won't be talking here about my dreams.
i'll just show you how you can achieve yours.

have you ever wondered why henry sy is so rich now while in fact during his childhood he was just a shoe shine boy?

just follow these simple tips and you can make it like henry sy,
although not as big time but still better than what your future can give you now..=)

1. identify what is important to you.
2. assess yourself. you are working for the past 5 years of your life and yet you don't have savings.
3. make a budget. and stick to it.
4. have a partner to check on you every now and then.
5. be in the right environment.
6. learn how to invest your hard earned money.

A Man With Savings Can Walk Tall

The state of your savings does have a lot to do with how tall you walk. Your savings affect the way you stand, the way you walk, the tone of your voice, you physical well-being and your self-confidence.

A person without savings is always running. He must. He must take the first job offered, or nearly so. He sits nervously on life's chairs because any small emergency throws him into the hands of others.

Without savings, a person must be too grateful. Gratitude is a fine thing in its place. But a constant state of gratitude is a horrible place in which to live.

A man with savings can walk tall. He may appraise opportunities in a relaxed way, have time for judicious estimates and not be rushed by economic necessity. A person with savings can afford to resign from his job if his principles so dictate. And who can afford to quit is much more useful to his company, and therefore more readily promoted. He can afford to give his company the benefit of his most candid judgements.

A person with savings can afford the wonderful privilege of being generous in family and neighborhood emergencies. He can take the level stare of any man... friend, stranger or enemy. That ability shapes his personality and his character.

The ability to save has nothing to do with the size of income. Many high-income people spend it all, darting through life with minnows, but as the dean of American bankers, J.P. Morgan once advised a young broker: "Take waste out of your spending; you'll drive the haste out of your life."

If you don't need money for college, a home or retirement, then save for self-confidence. And with the self-esteem and peace of mind that comes from having, walk tall through life.